Our Values
I believe in life from conception to natural death. From a young age, I have joined millions of Americans at the annual March for Life on January 22. I strongly oppose any effort to use taxpayer dollars to fund abortions. Being pro-life extends to end of life care and I’m grateful to have had both of my grandmothers spend their final years in the comfort of our home cared for by their loved ones. Beyond my involvement in the Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life, I have helped raise over $1,00,000 for pregnancy resource centers as their auctioneer while sharing the stage with Pro-Life champions including Matt Birk. Together, we can make Minnesota a state that honors and respects the dignity of life.

2nd Amendment
As a constitutional conservative, I support the rights of law abiding gun owners to keep and bear arms. I wholeheartedly support the 2nd Amendment and will push for Stand Your Ground, Castle Doctrine, and Constitutional Carry to defend your family and your home. I’m an avid sportsman, NRA member, and gun owner.
Inflation and Gas Prices
Families are getting crushed by record inflation and high gas prices because of the poor decisions by Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and Tim Walz. It doesn’t have to be this way. I am a strong supporter of American Energy Independence including the Keystone XL pipeline, Line 3, and an America First Energy approach that includes Nuclear Energy and Hydro Electric Energy. In order to fight inflation we must cut wasteful spending, stop paying people not to work, and lower taxes for Minnesota Taxpayers. I will always fight for your family budget.

Law Enforcement
As a constitutional conservative, The radical defund the police movement has made our communities and our state less safe as criminals are emboldened because of a lack of leadership from Tim Walz and Keith Ellison. I will always stand in support of law enforcement and the men and women in the blue and brown.
Medical Freedom & Vaccine Mandates
Minnesota families have suffered due to tyrannical rule during the last few years. I oppose vaccine mandates being pushed at the state level and as a condition of employment. Private medical decisions are the decision of an individual and his or her doctor. I fully support your medical freedom.

Parental Rights and Education
I believe in parental rights in education. Neither the Department of Education nor the Teachers Union should have the power in your children’s education. Concerned parents and community members must stand-up, like I have in opposing Critical Race Theory and Comprehensive Sex Education in our schools. We can empower parents to choose the best school for their students through education tax credits. I’m a graduate of Upsala High School and I appreciate our teachers for all they do to prepare the next generation of leaders.
Make Minnesota More Affordable
Minnesota has one of the highest tax rates in the nation both for individuals and employers. In order to truly make Minnesota a great place to live, work, and raise a family we need to lower taxes for employers and employees allowing people to keep more of what they earn. We want small businesses, manufacturers, farmers, and investors to make their home right here in Minnesota we can only do that if we create a climate for them to succeed and hire more Minnesotans.
For too long, Minnesota’s regulatory climate has hampered main street small businesses and farmers. Today, the regulatory authority of Minnesota’s State Agencies is out of control. As your State Representative I will fight to remove the rulemaking authority of our state agencies like the DNR which is crippling our farming community and threatening the agriculture supply chains here in Minnesota. Rulemaking and regulatory authority needs to return to the legislative branch because our farmers know best how to steward the land.
When we reduce and eliminate the tax and regulatory burdens for our small businesses our economy will thrive.